Columbus, OH 43224
Age: 25 Male
musician seeking a musician |
May 29, 2021 |
Metal |
Lead guitar Rhythm guitar |
Drums/Percussion Lead guitar Rhythm guitar Vocals Bass guitar |
More than 3 times a week |
Four times a month |
Both (covers & originals) |
Advanced (5-10 years) |
Some |
Occasional |
Very easy going and easy to get along with
Thy art is murder
Ibanez rgd7
Ibanez rg
Ibanez sdgr
Tascam model 16
Bunch of speakers and cables
| September 2024 | |
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8 total (7 days)
782 since May 29, 2021
23 total (30 days)
782 since May 29, 2021
176 total (12 months)
782 since May 29, 2021
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