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Colorado Springs musicians

Littleton, CO
Colorado Springs, CO
Attitude: I want the band to be a career. I am currently in school for a Bachelor of Science for Audio Production so that I can run audio at
Littleton, CO
M > B
Littleton, CO
Attitude: Professional / Have Fun attitude. I'm prepared when I show up for practice or a gig. It really is all about the fun factor.
Elbert, CO
Attitude: Looking for a band that keeps the music real and won't try to change into mainstream sound. There are no genres for the type of mu
M > B
Littleton, CO
Attitude: fight me
M > B
Colorado Springs, CO
Attitude: Just looking to play with some new people and make the silky jams. Ive played since 2004 with a small group here and there. just m
Englewood, CO
Attitude: Generally cheerful with a morbid sense of humor.
Littleton, CO
Aurora, CO
Colorado Springs, CO
Attitude: Original Christian Contemp/Rock
Pine, CO
Attitude: Our band is New Beginning and we are a post-hardcore/ metal-core band. We have three members in different states. Our Only dream i
Colorado Springs, CO
M > M
Colorado Springs, CO
Attitude: Im pretty outgoing loving to play music. when im too tired to play guitar I will always be open to throw down to music made by ot
M > B
Fountain, CO
Attitude: Very chill, poppunk attitude, a little shy, really into music. 16. I really want to start a band and get my music out. I don't pla
Colorado Springs, CO
M > M
Colorado Springs, CO
Colorado Springs, CO
Attitude: Uh..I dunno! I'm me! I'm kind of a rocker. Kinda spunky, kinda different, I don't know. All I know is that music saved my life.
M > B
Aurora, CO
Attitude: ready to go,looking for a thrash medal or NWOBHM band as long as it its not medalcore,screamo,or death medal
Colorado Springs, CO
Attitude: we like to have fun and not take it too seriously. we have many rhythms and lyrics, they just need to be put together.
M > B
Colorado Springs, CO
Attitude: Attitude is positive. And just eager to play with other people
Last 25 Signups
Days ago
Hitman Worcester, MA 2 hrs.
Craig Ness Citrus Heights, CA Yesterday
Jessy Bay Miami Beach, FL 3
Earl Phoenix, AZ 3
Kiko Dittert Troy, MI 5
Tomtat2 Le Roy, NY 6
Bad luck jonnie Oak Grove, MO 7
ScreenName El Paso, TX 9
UnknownX Auburn Hills, MI 11
Misty Midlothian, TX 11
Elexis Ansley Sherman Oaks, CA 11
JC Las Vegas, NV 13
ZackHouse Richardson, TX 13
Marc Ellason Seattle, WA 16
Marshall Hunter Guitar Slinger Shreveport, LA 17
PB96 Atlanta, GA 17
Johnny_B Yaphank, NY 18
Wild Bill Victoria, TX 18
RogerLeo Hopewell, PA 18
Anthony San Clemente, CA 22
Antenna Forest Hills, NY 23
Tiya Clearfield, UT 23
Mistervee Richmond, CA 25
jpniemiec Farmington, MI 27
DeanMcDaris Marietta, GA 28
Hottest Profiles (week of 2/10)
Kiko DittertM > BTroy, MI9
P.U.R.E.B > FHerndon, VA5
Love M > MJackson, MS4
UnknownXM > BAuburn Hills, MI4
Vonna Valkyr..M > BOlympia, WA4
Dan WestB > MLoganville, GA4
Elexis AnsleyM > BSherman Oaks, CA4
From The Rui..B > MLancaster, CA4
dondraperM > BLittleton, CO4
austinmaneB > MRockwall, TX4
HitmanM > BWorcester, MA4
Lily-SandM > BGreenwood, IN3
Timothy JamesM > MNashville, TN3
Johnny_FoosB > MAtlanta, GA3
Marshall Hun..M > BShreveport, LA3

Latest videos

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Back to Ashes by Kiko Dittert
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